Wednesday, May 13, 2009


that I've been working on a little shelf for four days in my spare time. I finally got it finished today. Last night i painted it and today I finished painting it and got it set up in my room. I really like it! It was definitely worth it. Does anyone else build their own things or is that just me?

I love Alvin and the Chipmunks. I LOVE Theodore! He's SO cute! I'm saying that cuz we're watching that right now...

I'm really random but I wanted to post!

On Sunday there was this concertish thingy. Like a Bluegrass band. I don't REALLY like bluegrass but it's not terrible or like I hate it, my church went so...we went. And cuz my dad likes bluegrass. It was really fun! But all of us "younger people" went and played like football and Frisbee. We walked pretty far away. I can't really throw the football cuz it hurts my shoulder and I can't really play soccer cuz of my knee AND I can only play Frisbee for a little while. But for some reason of Sunday I could for a long time...

Well, my mom's making chicken, potato's, and green beans and corn so I'm kind of hungry. Hope y'all have a great week!


Ben said...

Mandi, you don't use your shoulder that much to throw a football. You should use your arm. I don't know if I like bluegrass, but probably not. Peace.

Mandi said...

um, I use my shoulder. Like if you throw it a certain way to make it go far sometimes it hurts my shoulder. Yeah, you wouldn't like blugrass but I grew up with it...